nano cURL - a minimalist http(s) client. A session encapsulates a connection,
along with all related parameters, and may be used to return data multiple
times by repeatedly calling transact()
, which transacts once over the
convert = TRUE,
method = NULL,
headers = NULL,
data = NULL,
response = NULL,
timeout = NULL,
tls = NULL
- url
the URL address.
- convert
[default TRUE] logical value whether to attempt conversion of the received raw bytes to a character vector. Set to FALSE if downloading non-text data.
- method
(optional) the HTTP method as a character string. Defaults to 'GET' if not specified, and could also be 'POST', 'PUT' etc.
- headers
(optional) a named character vector specifying the HTTP request headers, for example:
c(Authorization = "Bearer APIKEY", `Content-Type` = "text/plain")
A non-character or non-named vector will be ignored.- data
(optional) character string request data to be submitted. If a vector, only the first element is taken, and non-character objects are ignored.
- response
(optional) a character vector specifying the response headers to return e.g.
c("date", "server")
. These are case-insensitive and will return NULL if not present. A non-character vector will be ignored.- timeout
(optional) integer value in milliseconds after which the connection and subsequent transact attempts time out.
- tls
(optional) applicable to secure HTTPS sites only, a client TLS Configuration object created by
. If missing or NULL, certificates are not validated.- session
an ‘ncurlSession’ object.
For ncurl_session
: an ‘ncurlSession’ object if successful,
or else an ‘errorValue’.
For transact
: a named list of 3 elements:
- integer HTTP repsonse status code (200 - OK). Usestatus_code()
for a translation of the meaning.$headers
- named list of response headers (if specified in the session), or NULL otherwise. If the status code is within the 300 range, i.e. a redirect, the response header ‘Location’ is automatically appended to return the redirect address.$data
- the response body as a character string (ifconvert = TRUE
was specified for the session), which may be further parsed as html, json, xml etc. as required, or else a raw byte vector, which may be saved as a file usingwriteBin()
See also
for synchronous http requests; ncurl_aio()
asynchronous http requests.
s <- ncurl_session("",
response = "date",
timeout = 2000L)
#> < ncurlSession > - transact() to return data
if (is_ncurl_session(s)) transact(s)
#> $status
#> [1] 200
#> $headers
#> $headers$date
#> [1] "Thu, 27 Feb 2025 16:07:18 GMT"
#> $data
#> [1] "{\n \"args\": {},\n \"headers\": {\n \"host\": \"\",\n \"x-request-start\": \"t1740672438.380\",\n \"connection\": \"close\",\n \"x-forwarded-proto\": \"https\",\n \"x-forwarded-port\": \"443\",\n \"x-amzn-trace-id\": \"Root=1-67c08db6-32baf0ed0e301681098080a6\"\n },\n \"url\": \"\"\n}"
if (is_ncurl_session(s)) close(s)