Plot Ichimoku Kinko Hyo cloud charts from ichimoku objects in R Shiny, allowing full customisation of chart elements in an interactive environment. Intuitive cursor infotip provides ready access to the data directly from the chart.
- x
an object of class 'ichimoku'.
- ticker
(optional) specify a ticker (or other text) to include in the chart heading. If not set, the ticker saved within the ichimoku object will be used.
- subtitle
(optional) specify a subtitle to display under the chart title.
- theme
[default 'classic'] with further choices of 'dark', 'mono', 'noguchi', 'okabe-ito' or 'solarized'.
- strat
[default TRUE] if the ichimoku object contains a strategy, the periods for which the strategy results in a position will be shaded, and the strategy printed as the chart subtitle (if not otherwise specified). Set to FALSE to turn off this behaviour.
- type
[default 'none'] type of sub-plot to display beneath the ichimoku cloud chart, with a choice of 'none', 'r' or 's' for the corresponding oscillator type, and 'bar' or 'line' for custom plots.
- custom
(optional) character string (containing a regular expression) matching the column name of the variable to be displayed as sub-plot. Specify
type = 'bar'
ortype = 'line'
, otherwise other type settings will take precedence.- ...
additional parameters passed along to the 'options' argument of
.- launch.browser
[default TRUE] If TRUE, the system's default web browser will be launched automatically after the app is started. The value of this argument can also be a function to call with the application's URL. To use the default Shiny viewer in RStudio, please specify
A Shiny app object with class 'shiny.appobj'. With default arguments, the Shiny app is launched in the default browser.
For further details please refer to the reference vignette by
calling: vignette("reference", package = "ichimoku")
if (interactive()) {
# Only run examples in interactive R sessions
cloud <- ichimoku(sample_ohlc_data, ticker = "TKR")
# To open in RStudio viewer instead of default browser
iplot(cloud, launch.browser = getOption("shiny.launch.browser"))