Web publishing optimised for scientific and technical communication
This website was created using Distill for R Markdown, a web publishing format optimised for scientific and technical communication.
Install release version of Distill from CRAN:
distill::create_blog(dir = "blog", title = "My New Blog", gh_pages = TRUE)
Make some inital changes to _site.yml. Select the ‘build’ tab in RStudio and hit ‘Build Website’. This will generate the website.
Note: building the website does not generate blog posts. Each time the website is re-built, only the .Rmd files in the base directory will be automatically re-generated.
Modify the yaml front matter and content of the example blog post. Then hit ‘Knit’ in RStudio to generate the post.
Note: after every change made to posts or after creating a new post, you must knit each post separately. The listings page is then automatically updated.
Create README.md, license.txt and CNAME if using a customm domain.
Create a new repository at Github.
To set up git and add your new repository as a remote, bring up the command line, cd to your new blog directory and:
git init
git add .-m "initial commit"
git commit -M main
git branch @github.com:username/nameofnew.git
git remote add origin git-u origin main git push
Congratulations, your new website should now be online!
The Distill Reference: https://rstudio.github.io/distill/
The Definitive R Markdown Guide: https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/
For attribution, please cite this work as
shikokuchuo (2021, May 4). shikokuchuo{net}: Distill for R Markdown. Retrieved from https://shikokuchuo.net/posts/04-distill/
BibTeX citation
@misc{shikokuchuo2021distill, author = {shikokuchuo, }, title = {shikokuchuo{net}: Distill for R Markdown}, url = {https://shikokuchuo.net/posts/04-distill/}, year = {2021} }