Create a nano object, encapsulating a Socket, Dialers/Listeners and associated methods.
protocol = c("bus", "pair", "poly", "push", "pull", "pub", "sub", "req", "rep",
"surveyor", "respondent"),
dial = NULL,
listen = NULL,
tls = NULL,
autostart = TRUE
- protocol
[default 'bus'] choose protocol - ‘bus’, ‘pair’, ‘poly’, ‘push’, ‘pull’, ‘pub’, ‘sub’, ‘req’, ‘rep’, ‘surveyor’, or ‘respondent’ - see protocols.
- dial
(optional) a URL to dial, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'inproc://anyvalue' or 'tcp://' (see transports).
- listen
(optional) a URL to listen at, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'inproc://anyvalue' or 'tcp://' (see transports).
- tls
[default NULL] for secure tls+tcp:// or wss:// connections only, provide a TLS configuration object created by
.- autostart
[default TRUE] whether to start the dialer/listener. Set to FALSE if setting configuration options on the dialer/listener as it is not generally possible to change these once started. For dialers only: set to NA to start synchronously - this is less resilient if a connection is not immediately possible, but avoids subtle errors from attempting to use the socket before an asynchronous dial has completed.
This function encapsulates a Socket, Dialer and/or Listener, and its associated methods.
The Socket may be accessed by $socket
, and the Dialer or Listener by
or $listener[[1]]
The object's methods may be accessed by $
e.g. $send()
. These methods mirror their functional equivalents, with the
same arguments and defaults, apart from that the first argument of the
functional equivalent is mapped to the object's encapsulated socket (or
context, if active) and does not need to be supplied.
More complex network topologies may be created by binding further dialers or
listeners using the object's $dial()
and $listen()
methods. The
new dialer/listener will be attached to the object e.g. if the object already
has a dialer, then at $dialer[[2]]
Note that $dialer_opt()
and $listener_opt()
methods will be
available once dialers/listeners are attached to the object. These methods
get or apply settings for all dialers or listeners equally. To get or apply
settings for individual dialers/listeners, access them directly via
or $listener[[2]]
The methods $opt()
, and also $dialer_opt()
as may be applicable, will get the requested option if
a single argument 'name' is provided, and will set the value for the option
if both arguments 'name' and 'value' are provided.
For Dialers or Listeners not automatically started, the
or $listener_start()
methods will be
available. These act on the most recently created Dialer or Listener
For applicable protocols, new contexts may be created by using the
method. This will attach a new context at
as well as a $context_close()
method. While a context
is active, all object methods use the context rather than the socket. A new
context may be created by calling $context_open()
, which will replace
any existing context. It is only necessary to use $context_close()
close the existing context and revert to using the socket.
nano <- nano("bus", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
#> < nano object >
#> - socket id: 16
#> - state: opened
#> - protocol: bus
#> - listener:
#> inproc://nanonext
#> < nanoSocket >
#> - id: 16
#> - state: opened
#> - protocol: bus
#> - listener:
#> inproc://nanonext
#> < nanoListener >
#> - id: 8
#> - socket: 16
#> - state: started
#> - url: inproc://nanonext
nano$opt("send-timeout", 1500)
#> [1] 1500
nano$listen(url = "inproc://nanonextgen")
#> [[1]]
#> < nanoListener >
#> - id: 8
#> - socket: 16
#> - state: started
#> - url: inproc://nanonext
#> [[2]]
#> < nanoListener >
#> - id: 9
#> - socket: 16
#> - state: started
#> - url: inproc://nanonextgen
nano1 <- nano("bus", dial = "inproc://nanonext")
nano$send("example test", mode = "raw")
#> [1] 0
#> [1] "example test"