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Returns a serialization configuration, which may be set to perform custom serialization and unserialization of normally non-exportable reference objects, allowing these to be used seamlessly between different R sessions. This feature utilises the 'refhook' system of R native serialization. Once set, the functions apply to all mirai requests for a specific compute profile.


serial_config(class, sfunc, ufunc, vec = FALSE)



character string of the class of object custom serialization functions are applied to, e.g. ‘ArrowTabular’ or ‘torch_tensor’.


a function that accepts a reference object inheriting from ‘class’ (or a list of such objects) and returns a raw vector.


a function that accepts a raw vector and returns a reference object (or list of such objects).


[default FALSE] whether or not the serialization functions are vectorized. If FALSE, they should accept and return reference objects individually e.g. arrow::write_to_raw and arrow::read_ipc_stream. If TRUE, they should accept and return a list of reference objects, e.g. torch::torch_serialize and torch::torch_load.


A list comprising the configuration. This should be passed to the ‘.serial’ argument of everywhere.


cfg <- serial_config("test_cls", function(x) serialize(x, NULL), unserialize)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "test_cls"
#> [[2]]
#> function (x) 
#> serialize(x, NULL)
#> <environment: 0x55ee5f8c1e80>
#> [[3]]
#> function (connection, refhook = NULL) 
#> {
#>     if (typeof(connection) != "raw" && !is.character(connection) && 
#>         !inherits(connection, "connection")) 
#>         stop("'connection' must be a connection")
#>     .Internal(unserialize(connection, refhook))
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55ee5f8d3fe0>
#> <environment: namespace:base>
#> [[4]]
#> [1] FALSE