Asynchronous parallel map of a function over a list or vector using mirai, with optional promises integration. Performs multiple map over the rows of a dataframe or matrix.
mirai_map(.x, .f, ..., .args = list(), .promise = NULL, .compute = "default")
- .x
a list or atomic vector. Also accepts a matrix or dataframe, in which case multiple map is performed over its rows.
- .f
a function to be applied to each element of
, or row of.x
as the case may be.- ...
(optional) named arguments (name = value pairs) specifying objects referenced, but not defined, in
.- .args
(optional) further constant arguments to
, provided as a list.- .promise
(optional) if supplied, registers a promise against each mirai. Either a function, supplied to the
argument ofpromises::then()
or a list of 2 functions, supplied respectively toonFulfilled
. Using this argument requires the promises package.- .compute
[default 'default'] character value for the compute profile to use (each compute profile has its own independent set of daemons).
Sends each application of function .f
on an element of .x
(or row of
) for computation in a separate mirai()
call. If .x
is named, names
are preserved.
This simple and transparent behaviour is designed to make full use of mirai scheduling to minimise overall execution time.
Facilitates recovery from partial failure by returning all 'miraiError' / 'errorValue' as the case may be, thus allowing only failures to be re-run.
This function requires daemons to have previously been set, and will error otherwise.
Collection Options
collects the results of a 'mirai_map' x
and returns a list. This will
wait for all asynchronous operations to complete if still in progress,
blocking but user-interruptible.
collects and flattens map results to a vector, checking that
they are of the same type to avoid coercion. Note: errors if an 'errorValue'
has been returned or results are of differing type.
collects map results whilst showing a progress bar from
the cli package, if installed, with completion percentage and ETA,
or else a simple text progress indicator. Note: if the map operation
completes too quickly then the progress bar may not show at all.
collects map results applying early stopping, which stops at
the first failure and cancels remaining operations. Note: operations already
in progress continue to completion, although their results are not collected.
The options above may be combined in the manner of: x[.stop, .progress]
which applies early stopping together with a
progress indicator.
Multiple Map
If .x
is a matrix or dataframe (or other object with 'dim' attributes),
multiple map is performed over its rows. Character row names are
preserved as names of the output.
This allows map over 2 or more arguments, and .f
should accept at least as
many arguments as there are columns. If the dataframe has names, or the
matrix column dimnames, named arguments are provided to .f
To map over columns instead, first wrap a dataframe in as.list()
, or
transpose a matrix using t()
if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# perform and collect mirai map
mm <- mirai_map(c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3), rnorm)
# map with constant args specified via '.args'
mirai_map(1:3, rnorm, .args = list(n = 5, sd = 2))[]
# flatmap with helper function passed via '...'
function(x) rnorm(1L, valid(x)),
valid = function(x) min(max(x, 0L), 100L)
# unnamed matrix multiple map: arguments passed to function by position
(mat <- matrix(1:4, nrow = 2L))
mirai_map(mat, function(x = 10, y = 0, z = 0) x + y + z)[.flat]
# named matrix multiple map: arguments passed to function by name
dimnames(mat) <- list(c("a", "b"), c("y", "z"))
mirai_map(mat, function(x = 10, y = 0, z = 0) x + y + z)[.flat]
# dataframe multiple map: using a function taking '...' arguments
df <- data.frame(a = c("Aa", "Bb"), b = c(1L, 4L))
mirai_map(df, function(...) sprintf("%s: %d", ...))[.flat]
# indexed map over a vector (using a dataframe)
v <- c("egg", "got", "ten", "nap", "pie")
data.frame(1:length(v), v),
.args = list(fmt = "%d_%s")
# return a 'mirai_map' object, check for resolution, collect later
mp <- mirai_map(2:4, function(x) runif(1L, x, x + 1))
# progress indicator counts up from 0 to 4 seconds
res <- mirai_map(1:4, Sys.sleep)[.progress]
# stops early when second element returns an error
tryCatch(mirai_map(list(1, "a", 3), sum)[.stop], error = identity)
if (FALSE) { # interactive() && requireNamespace("promises", quietly = TRUE)
# promises example that outputs the results, including errors, to the console
daemons(1, dispatcher = FALSE)
ml <- mirai_map(
function(i) {Sys.sleep(0.1); if (i == 30) stop(i) else i},
.promise = list(
function(x) cat(paste(x, "")),
function(x) { cat(conditionMessage(x), "\n"); daemons(0) }