Parses a character string containing an RFC 3986 compliant URL as per NNG.
A named character vector of length 10, comprising:
- the unparsed URL string.scheme
- the URL scheme, such as "http" or "inproc" (always lower case).userinfo
- the username and password if supplied in the URL
- the full host part of the URL, including the port if present (separated by a colon).hostname
- the name of the host.port
- the port (if not specified, the default port if defined by the scheme).path
- the path, typically used with HTTP or WebSocket.query
- the query info (typically following ? in the URL).fragment
- used for specifying an anchor, the part after # in a URL.requri
- the full Request-URI (path[?query][#fragment]).
Values that cannot be determined are represented by an empty string ""
#> rawurl
#> ""
#> scheme
#> "https"
#> userinfo
#> "user:password"
#> host
#> ""
#> hostname
#> ""
#> port
#> "8080"
#> path
#> "/type/path"
#> query
#> "q=info"
#> fragment
#> "intro"
#> requri
#> "/type/path?q=info#intro"
#> rawurl scheme userinfo
#> "tcp://" "tcp" ""
#> host hostname port
#> "" "" "5555"
#> path query fragment
#> "" "" ""
#> requri
#> ""